ISBN: 978-9944-0824-3-3

Dear Readers, visitors and friends

Every Project has its own starting point, story of implementation, outputs and results. As (exCHange) “Experience for Change within the Cultural Sector” do. We would like to share with you the process , obtained results and outputs that we, as Project team and Project parties, elaborated with maximum delicacy. In return we expect you to make comments and contributions. Now I would like to welcome you to our website prepared to this end. “Hoşgeldiniz”, “Benvenuto”, “Welcome".


As the time flies and time available is limited, one minute will be enough for you to realise the idea behind “Experience for change within the Cultural Heritage sector” Project (exCHange). If you think that specialized experts and scientists should be trained for the sake of handing down our movable cultural heritage and works of art to the next generations by restoring and conserving them against decay and if you think that it is time to preserve our common and public audiovisual memory, then please keep reading.


This is the Web Page for the Project “Experience for Change within the Cultural Heritage Sector” (exCHange) implemented within the framework of TR-EU Civil Society Dialogue II Cultural and Arts Grant Scheme.


We will share the project, stages of its implementation, project outputs and results on this website. What is more our periodic release “exCHange-eNewsletter” will take its place here. It will give readers the chance to follow up how we progress with the project and to be aware of what is going on in the world of cultural heritage, like fairs, conferences, seminars and EC’s project calls..etc. on conservation and restoration of movable heritage/works of arts and audiovisual heritage, In addition we will make interviews with prominent people working in their conservation and restoration or any other related field.


As exCHange is in fact a project to foster dialogue we could not ignore our esteemed visitors and readers. A single-ended communication did not sound a good idea either. In this respect for the purpose of setting up a networking group we prepared an interactive section under the name of “exCHange Forum” integrated to the website. We call you to register to the forum and join us. Comments on and contributions to the website will be appreciated.


Before concluding my words I would like to remind you of the saying which is the motto of our association and inscribed above the door of National Museum in Kabul, Afghanistan: “A nation stays alive when its culture stays alive”. It should always be kept in mind that societies and nations cannot sustain their presence, own culture and cultural diversity in the absence of a preventive environment for movable, immovable and tangible cultural heritage that defines and sets a nation’s culture.


I hope you will have a fruitful time in our website. “İyiokumalar”, “BuonaLettura”, Enjoy your reading”


On Behalf of Project Team
Saadet GÜNER
President of Friends of Cultural Heritage,
Project Coordinator